The Invisible College

Find all of our books by category below. Pictured above is Douglas' bookcase in his study with a picture taken from the Comte de St. Germain's book, The Most Holy Trinosophia, showing the first stage of initiation by Sophia wherein the soul stands naked before the threshold seeing a mirror image of its spirit.
“Nothing I had ever before experienced prepared me for the fierceness, the explosive creativity that I witnessed that day on the mountaintop when I saw the unveiling of the Triple Goddess.”
In the third volume of GOS, the mechanisms or tools of the process of self-initiation are presented that, when studied and practiced, can lead to the development of etheric clairvoyance, bringing the forces and beings of the etheric realms into perception for the aspirant.
Whereas her first volume, The Biographies of the Divine Feminine Trinity, presented a new cosmology of the Divine Feminine Trinity, the second volume in The Gospel of Sophia trilogy provides the aspirant with detailed descriptions of the mechanisms of earthly and cosmic nutrition streams that feed spiritual self-development. Numerous systems are described that aid the visualization and activation of the aspirant’s newly developing spiritual organs of perception.
Through Steiner’s injunctions to ‘let Anthroposophia in,’ the student is told to develop a relationship with a spiritual being who knows us better than we know ourselves. Anthroposophia is to become our counselor and the objective reflection of our own personal self-development. The interaction with this being will take the student to the next steps of self-knowledge.
From the Works of Rudolf Steiner
Just as soon as a spiritual scientist thinks she has understood Anthroposophia, a new dimension opens, and all previous parameters of Sophia must be redefined - Anthroposophia, Sophia, the Sophia of Christ, the Holy Spirit, the Archangel (Archai) Michael, the Holy Sophia, the Mother of Jesus, The Mothers, the Kyriotetes, or the Heavenly Sophia. It seems that these seemingly different Being’s influences overlap and that they must either work together, share the same duties, or perhaps in some cases, are the same Being.
Through these sweeping images of the nature of the threefold Ego, we can see outlined a dynamic where the ‘Earthly-Ego’ comes to birth in the soul realm and merges with the Spirit-Self, creating the reincarnating soul/spirit of the individual. On the other hand, the Higher-Ego, that is a replica of Christ, is intimately connected to the Life-Spirit part of the threefold spiritual constitution of the human being (Spirit-Self, Life-Spirit, Spirit-Human) that may be found in the realm of the Archangels that is the home of the Higher-Ego or Christened-Group-Soul of Humanity.
Rudolf Steiner: “In order to be able to feel the Good, mankind had also to be able to feel the Evil. The gods gave him enthusiasm for the higher. But without Evil there could be no self-feeling, no free choice of Good, no freedom. Good could have been realized without Lucifer, but not freedom. In order to be able to choose Good, man must also have the bad before him; it must dwell within him as the force of self-love. But self-love must become love of all. Then Evil will be overcome. Freedom and Evil have the same original source.”
Dr. Rudolf Steiner’s teachings contend that: “The heart is not a pump; the heart is an organ of perception.” As a matter of fact, he believes that the heart is the most important organ of perception that can be trained to become a supersensible organ of perception of both the outside world and the inside world of the human being. Many misconceptions are outlined in a timeline that reflects the evolution of heart knowledge over the course of history. The true view of blood circulation is much more complicated and has only become accepted by cardiologists in recent times.
The path of initiation is defined, from one point-of-view, as three stages that raise the initiate into the realms of Angels, Archangels, and Archai through the development of three soul capacities that can turn thinking, feeling, and willing into Moral Imagination, Moral Inspiration, and Moral Intuition. This path of spiritual development will happen gradually for humanity but can be accelerated by initiates, masters, bodhisattvas, and the pure-hearted aspirant.
Rudolf Steiner speaks about this being called the ‘Guardian of the Threshold’ in An Outline of Occult Science, Knowledge of the Higher Worlds, The Secrets of the Threshold, The Mystery Dramas, and The First Class of Spiritual Science, among other writings. According to Steiner’s teachings, this Being will present itself as soon as the student of the spirit seeks the higher worlds. At a certain stage of evolution, the soul forces of thinking, feeling, and willing dissociate themselves and bring to the student a new inner way of perceiving that will lead to the encounter of the Guardian of the Threshold, who is also called the Doppelgänger or Double.
Everything we give over to mechanical machines to accomplish for us diminishes human capacities and hinders the evolution of those capacities into higher forms of thinking, feeling, and willing - becoming an Angel. Do you know which direction you are going? Are you going forward or backward, up or down? Generally, most people do not think about such troublesome thoughts because it might cause them to realize that they have no workable cosmology that informs them about how humans got here and where they are going.

No one has written more extensively about Ahriman than Rudolf Steiner. The essential purpose of this book is to provide the aspirant and the initiate with a compilation of Steiner’s descriptions of Ahriman and Lucifer, and where those descriptions are not easily understood, provide the reader with a summation of Steiner’s indications for each topic. ”
​Perception is the key to your personal experience of heaven or hell in the here and now. Everyone is responsible for creating their own world by bringing what is inside of them (their combined world of concepts) to the perception of what is outside of them, and then determining their relationship to those perceptions for good or ill. Finding the bridge between the inner world of a thinker and the outer world of perception is the key to philosophy and the science of knowing.
“Spiritual Science gives the means of developing the spiritual ears and eyes, and of kindling the spiritual light; and this method of spiritual training: (1) Preparation; this develops the spiritual senses. (2) Enlightenment; this kindles the spiritual light. (3) Initiation; this establishes communion with the higher spiritual beings. It is not altogether necessary that the first of these three stages should be completed before the second can be begun, nor that the second, in turn, be completed before the third be started. In certain respects, it is possible to partake of enlightenment, and even of initiation, and in other respects still be in the preparatory stage.
During the Future Jupiter incarnation of the Earth, there will be two Moons, one being the Eighth Sphere and another inhabited by black magicians. The humans that do not keep up with the evolution of the progressive spirits will find themselves on the surface of the old Earth in terrible conditions or in the Eighth Sphere. Progressive humans, who by then will have evolved into Angels, will try to help these “animal-humans” attempt to evolve. Angel-humans will become the guardian Angels of these animal-humans who choose to remain behind.
The miraculous, spiritualized fire, the Christ-light which was revealed to Paul on the road to Damascus in glorious divine revelation will appear to others in the etheric clouds. The greatest mystery of our time is the Second Coming of Christ of the Etheric Realm - in the next age, the Damascus Event will come to life.
In a quiet and reverent mood, the reader transmits to the loved one the contents of the book which describes the realms the person will be traversing from death to another birth. These spiritual spheres that the person is traveling through need a road map to help understand the new atmosphere and the topology of the spiritual world. Reading descriptions of these realms to the deceased helps them orient themselves in these spheres which they have been “born” into recently.
​Every spiritual tradition has reverence for the elders who are called many names: ascended masters, descended Avatars, Bodhisattvas who become Buddhas, the Mother Lodge of the Sun, the Masters of Wisdom, saints, prophets, tulkus, arahats, yogis, yoginis, yidams, great initiates, shamans, kahunas, deities, devas, and hierarchical beings, to name but a few.
When there is an “end time”, like the flood myth, there is always a way through it for those who are listening carefully and obeying a higher power. In this case, God tells Noah to build an ark and to others to “flee into the mountains.” There is always a way out for the righteous, even if it entails forty days in an ark or living in mountain caves for years. In the end, the pruned stock of humanity carries on and multiplies, whether through Noah, Abraham, Lot, or any of the anti-diluvian heroes. Those found to be righteous, continue to live and develop a new world.
Rudolf Steiner, and other anthroposophists, first developed a spiritual scientific theory to formally elucidate the remarkable ‘Etherization of the Blood Process’; although ancient Hindu and Buddhist philosophers have long described in their own spiritual practices similar activities in the human body. One example is a yogic practice for raising the Serpent Force of Kundalini. In fact, all true ancient traditions have been aware of the ‘Earthly and Cosmic Nutrition Stream’ and used natural clairvoyance to perceive it directly.
General Books
The theories concerning the seven ethers are, for the first time, compiled and explained in The Eternal Ethers as a comprehensive Theory of Everything that effects every atom and molecule in the universe. The spiritual scientific understanding of the ethers, given by Dr. Rudolf Steiner and refreshed and refined by Dr. Gabriel, brings the best of the ancient and modern together in a clearly understandable fashion and shows the connections between the ethers and the human etheric body.
Rudolf Steiner: "“In the same proportion and in the moment that you succeed in turning off your entire organism – which you achieve through meditation and in initiation – in the same proportion and moment your organism becomes a proper mirror of the world; only you do not see the organism then, but rather the Cosmos.”
Legends tell us that Joseph of Arimathea brought Solomon’s Bowl to the Last Supper that Jesus had with his disciples. Joseph then brought the bowl to the Crucifixion and used it to capture the blood and water that flowed from Christ’s side. Joseph and Longinus also helped take down the body of Jesus from the cross to clean and prepare it for burial. Longinus and Joseph became very close and worked together later in their ministry to spread the truth of “The Way” of Christ’s life, even to far away England.
The Inklings were an informal literary discussion group associated with J. R. R. Tolkien and C. S. Lewis at the University of Oxford for nearly two decades between the early 1930s and late 1949. The Inklings were literary enthusiasts who praised the value of narrative in fiction and encouraged the writing of fantasy. Learn how Dr. Gabriel with his collaboration in Star Wars with Marcia Lucas joined the ranks of Tolkien, C.S. Lewis, Charles Williams, and Owen Barfield.
Education and Teacher Training
If the child is presented with the wisdom of the world at the right stage of development of the etheric body, where memory resides, then an important spiritual need for evolution is met with the right content. This is the eternal curriculum - teaching wisdom to the etheric body when the etheric body is in its strongest stage of development between the ages seven to fourteen. The soul content needed to properly develop each component of the human being is fed by ‘reliving’ the stages of the past that built the collective human consciousness.
The introduction to Rudolf Steiner’s Waldorf School curriculum presents an overview of the curriculum from different disciplines, such as history, mythology, child development, and religion. Included are helpful block plans, outlines, and curriculum descriptions give the reader a picture of an entire first grade year that a Waldorf student might experience. Besides a full presentation of grade one materials, there are also plays for grades two, three, four, and five, which were written together by the author and his students.
The change of teeth, the arrival of puberty, and adulthood - all of these stages of development were well known in the past and were accompanied by elaborate ceremonies of “coming of age,” or “rites of passage.” These basic stages of childhood development have generally been overlooked by modern educational theorists, yet all the physical and psychological implications of these seemingly simple ideas will be explained in Intuitive Learning. Teaching through intuition includes providing age-appropriate and developmentally appropriate instruction that is aligned with the stages of growth and development of a child.
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