Developing Christ in Our Threefold Ego
By Douglas Gabriel
Through these sweeping images of the nature of the threefold Ego, we can see outlined a dynamic where the ‘Earthly-Ego’ comes to birth in the soul realm and merges with the Spirit-Self, creating the reincarnating soul/spirit of the individual. On the other hand, the Higher-Ego, that is a replica of Christ, is intimately connected to the Life-Spirit part of the threefold spiritual constitution of the human being (Spirit-Self, Life-Spirit, Spirit-Human) that may be found in the realm of the Archangels that is the home of the Higher-Ego or Christened-Group-Soul of Humanity.
Thus, from Group-Soul to Christened-Group-Soul to union with Christ and the Zodiac, the human three Egos evolve from the rank of the tenth hierarchy (Human), to the sixth hierarchy and join Christ in the realm of the Elohim at the end of Future Vulcan. Humanity can ascend through the realms of Angels, Archangels, and Archai and become the ‘image’ of Christ — a trinity of Egos acting as one being.

Goethean Conversations
Author Dr. Douglas Gabriel and Editor John Barnwell discuss Developing Christ in Our Threefold Ego in the two videos just below. You are welcomed to download, save, and mirror the videos and articles below for your education and teaching purposes.