Cosmic Intelligence and Spiritual Hierarchies
By Douglas Gabriel
Christ’s words are all we need to attain a new Language of the Spirit that allows us to listen to and speak with the spiritual hierarchies that surround us both day and night. Some of the words of Christ are embedded in a mystery language that he told his Apostles could only be understood by them through the help of the Holy Spirit after the fiery tongues of the spirit descended upon them during Pentecost. The Apostles were taught the Language of the Spirit; which is a moral path of development reserved for the select few who could understand the nature of the Cosmic Christ — whereas others were taught through parables and Jesus Christ’s example. This moral alphabet of the Cosmic Christ’s Language of the Spirit is understood through Spiritual Science as the Sophia of Christ, the Wisdom of Love.
Spiritual languages can take many forms, indicated by words, symbols, numbers, forms, and functions. Both the ten (10) and twenty-two (22) letters of the human spiritual language describe the active working of living spiritual beings of the hierarchy. We have found our place among the hierarchy with our descent into matter and our ascension back to heaven. The forces of cosmic space have spoken a Language of the Spirit to create us. Now, we are learning a new language to converse with the spirit. This language flows into us from all directions and builds our world. Learning to listen and translate this language is the current challenge of spiritual evolution.

Goethean Conversations
Author Dr. Douglas Gabriel and Editor John Barnwell discuss Cosmic Intelligence and Spiritual Hierarchies in the two videos just below. You are welcomed to download, save, and mirror the videos and articles below for your education and teaching purposes.