The Eternal Ethers: A Theory of Everything
By Douglas Gabriel
The mysterious and often hidden nature of the ethers are revealed in this one-of-a-kind manuscript. Douglas Gabriel brilliantly presents a Theory of Everything that encompasses a wide variety of spiritual teachings from ancient Indian sacred beliefs to classical Greek philosophies, from the voice of ancient gods to modern scientific theories.
The ethers were called the tattvas in the Hindu pranayama teachings, quintessence in Aristotle’s scientific philosophies, the ether by Newton, and the luminiferous ether by Einstein. These seemingly magical ethers are the component parts of creation that exist as the foundation of all space and are the eternal mechanisms that create life. The theories concerning the seven ethers are, for the first time, compiled and explained in The Eternal Ethers as a comprehensive Theory of Everything that effects every atom and molecule in the universe.
Often, limited scientific theories will only uncover one or a few of the seven ethers, not the complete set of seven and their eternal cycle manifested in everything from the planets to the stages of human growth and development.

Goethean Conversations
Author Dr. Douglas Gabriel and others discuss The Eternal Ethers: A Theory of Everything in the two videos just below. You are welcomed to download, save, and mirror the videos and articles below for your education and teaching purposes.