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Ascension Sacraments for the Cosmic and Earthly Nutrition Diet


Note to Tyla: Use Papyrus font for new Octaves. Crown Chakra is already done--just look in ASCEND Picture files. Douglas needs to update descriptions of each Chakra.  Then link back to Octave 1 

When compete with Octave 3, make sure final page links to Octave 1 and 2 

Octave 1.1 Foundation Chakra

The foundation chakra is the fulcrum of the spine which provides uprightness and the ability to stand with equilibrium, freeing the hands for deeds only a human can do. The upright posture of the human being also frees the head to rest atop the body with the brain floating freely in cerebrospinal fluid. From foundation chakra to crown chakra, the upward motion of energy in the human body needs to begin upon a solid and stable foundation. It is the solidity of the earth beneath our feet that provides the resistance for humans to press downward with gravity while at the same time freeing the human to ascend through the chakras with levity. 


Octave 1.2 Creation Chakra

The Creation Chakra is a gift of the gods to humans that share the responsibility of creation.  Humans are gods when they help create a new body that can temporarily house an immoral human spirit.  This gift is so powerful that few humans have understood the genesis and evolution of human procreation.  Power lies in the second chakra and its mysteries, the mysteries of life that have yet to be fathomed.  To receive this lesson as soon as it is released, please subscribe to our on-line magazine. 


Octave 1.3 Hara Chakra

This power, or energy, is called the “fierce woman” or the “fire in the belly” that is used to heat the three energy channels running up the spine. Each chakra adds to the energy that coils through its petals bringing forces of fire and levity that transmute the material energy of the world into a more refined energy used by the chakras. To receive this lesson as soon as it is released, please subscribe to our on-line magazine. 


Octave 1.4 Solar Plexus Chakra

The Solar Plexus Chakra controls digestion which is the source of nutrition for the body. The liver, gallbladder, pancreas and intestines work together to take the flames of the Hara and use them to burn and digest food as a source for human energy that can lead to consciousness. Good food provides the basic material that is broken down and turned into specifically human bio-energy. It is not the food that provides the direct energy, it is the process of digestion and the total annihilation of the food that causes the human body to take the digested substance and turn it into a new substance that can be assimilated into the biological energy of the human body.  To receive this lesson as soon as it is released, please subscribe to our on-line magazine. 


Octave 1.5 Heart Chakra

The Heart Chakra is where the progressive aspirant begins the spiritual path after “taming” the lower chakras and bringing them into alignment. Through an alchemical process of transforming the four basic elements into higher, more refined and ionized elements the aspirant climbs the rungs of the ladder that leads to spiritual development.  To receive this lesson as soon as it is released, please subscribe to our on-line magazine. 


Octave 1.6 Throat Chakra

The warm air of the Hara Chakra is refined now in the Throat Chakra through the heart’s transformation of the outer world into a “blaze of meaning and wonder” that arises from human speech.  Speech gave birth to thinking by naming things and thus meaning and understanding became possible.  This type of outer consciousness spans the realm of air and carries with it the higher passions of the heart to spiritually develop and ascend to the spiritual realms. To receive this lesson as soon as it is released, please subscribe to our free on-line magazine. 


Octave 1.7 Brow Chakra

The Brow Chakra has been symbolized as a bolt of lightning or a rainbow bridge that can carry the aspirant into the spiritual world. There is always water involved in this process as oxygen is the substance that must be ionized to add to carbon and nitrogen. A new fluidity of light and sound comes to life in this chakra. Fluid waves of sounding images fill the aspirant as the Brow Chakra is aligned with all of the chakras below. The plasma of the heart ignites the air of space with meaning in the throat while the fluidity of the brow unites the meaning of light with wisdom that contains all.  To receive this lesson as soon as it is released, please subscribe to our free on-line magazine. 


Octave 1.8 Crown Chakra

When Imagination and Inspiration unite together, Intuition has the possibility to alight. Intuition causes all of the transformed substances and soul forces to vibrate in resonance with the divine. It is the fulfillment of the efforts of the aspirant. Once the aspirant can raise these forces consciously up the central channels and deposit calcium carbonate crystals in the pineal gland, the accompanying lightning bolts of the spiritual world flashes through the mid-brain down to the pituitary gland causing it to excrete the nectar of the gods. These processes of the cosmic and earthly nutrition streams connect us to the higher hierarchies as symbiotic partners in spiritual evolution. We feed the gods and the gods feed us.  To receive this lesson as soon as it is released, please subscribe to our free on-line magazine. 


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Stay connected with the Our Spirit community to continue your ASCENT.  As ASCEND lessons are completed, they will be released in our magazine and later on this webpage. 
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