Meditation for Enlightenment
and Ascension
By Douglas Gabriel
Rudolf Steiner was one of greatest modern teachers of meditation. He helped many aspirants in his esoteric school to understand the nature and power of meditation. With anthroposophy, Steiner’s art of life, meditation takes on many forms. Steiner gave out numerous morning and evening meditations to his students, some of which were written personally for the individual asking for help. There are entire books of Steiner meditations that go far beyond the standard focus on one word or a simple mantra that leads to concentration, contemplation, meditation, prayer, and the development of a Language of the Spirit used by angels, archangels, archai and the other higher spiritual hierarchies.
For Steiner, meditation eventually turns into a communion with divine spiritual beings as a form of spiritual nourishment for the aspirant and an offering of spiritual food to the hierarchies. Ultimately, meditation leads to developing higher capacities of thinking, feeling, and willing that Dr. Steiner referred to as Moral Imagination, Moral Inspiration, and Moral Intuition which live in the shared realms of the angels, archangels, and archai (time spirits). Meditation, for a spiritual scientist, is the ultimate path of personal development leading from preparation to enlightenment, and finally to the three stages of spiritual initiation.